
Hello and welcome all to the 4th instalment of SWWU write-ups where we give the juicy details of the latest competition. Today’s instalment is a brief respite from all the indoor shooting as we go touch some grass.

Despite the Frostbite name, the weather seemed to favour us with no rain, mild temperatures and no mud! Which for those who went last year, I’m sure are very thankful. If you weren’t there, I’d say it was akin to a WW1 trench with how deep the mud got. In other news, I’ve been told that there were some fast calls due to dogs and footballers (probably both chasing balls) as well as reports of a husky eating pizza. I’m not sure what that entails but I bet that husky enjoyed it.

On the archery front, we almost had Alex W dethroned by Luke Burch and I just want to say: Luke we’re all rooting for you! Without further ado, the results:

Starting with REM we have Alex Williams once again cinching first place with Luke Burch just one point behind! Bath’s Kyumin Lee took the third spot to round out the men. For the ladies, we had a clean Bristol sweep with Magdalena Kazmierczak, Lily Barrett and Maja Kliczka taking gold, silver and bronze respectively.

With RNM, Exeter’s Ed Moore takes gold leaving silver and bronze for Joshua Hutchinson and Thomas Lambe. Similarly, Vivian Gregory dominated the RNW category to take first for Exeter. UWE’s Esila Keskin achieved second and Priya Sitlani came third to round out the bunch.

Now onto those who forgo sights. Another Exeter gold from Finnian Ralph left silver for Harry Lam and bronze for Lucas Geertman in the experienced barebow men. For BEW I’ll give you one guess as to who came first. To no one’s surprise, it was Marilyn Wong. Silver was won by Alex Watmore and bronze by Plymouth’s Jorja Reid.

In the BNM we had 3 participants but well done to them all anyway. Exeter’s Quinnian Lee-Almond walks away with yet another gold for them. Swansea’s Matthew Hobbc wins silver and Jay Moon rounds out the category. Hannah Wagstaff wins another Exeter gold with Victoria Lytka taking silver for the ladies. Fierce competition from those two as roles reversed from the last competition.

We had an incredibly tight CEM race with just 2 points between first and third! Swansea’s Daniel Hickman continues his dominance with another win. However, Exeter’s Nathan Chan and Cardiff’s Oliver Coupe end the competition with the same score! Nathan just edges Oliver out by hitting one more gold. Never say there’s no excitement at SWWUs. Caitlin Willoughby wins another gold for Swansea in the CEW.

Finally onto the longbow division. Plymouth’s Sean Hughes wins another gold with Aaron Shanks and Segh Gilham taking silver and bronze for the gentlemen. Rhiannon Wood once again secures gold for the ladies. We also have Imron Yusupov in LNM who scored a very respectable score and won gold in that category.

Now let’s move on to the team scores:

Bristol have once again secured their place with a convincing first place in the Experienced teams. Exeter takes second and Plymouth third. For the Novices, Exeter dominates the category to take home the cheese, leaving Bristol and Plymouth respectively. In the Compound category, Swansea once again take the full points with Exeter in second and Cardiff in third.

Thanks again for reading my rambles and hopefully it’s provided you with at least an iota of enjoyment. Our next leg is BUCS Southern qualifiers as we leech off their competition (Thanks BUCS!) and just run with it. Hopefully, see you there!